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Morgan's Musings

Thursday, Nov. 21st, 2002 - 10:00 PM

Hello, friends! This particular day started out as usual, and before I left for class, Andypants was playing the soundtrack to Titanic, Celine Dione crooning her bittersweet melody in a French-Canadian accent. Then when he played one long,lyric-less song, you could tell that it served as the background mood in the movie--as the ship plied through the Atlantic, encountered the iceberg, had its passengers furiously attempt escape, its sinking, and the slow deaths for the initial survivors--all could be vividly seen through the tone and tempo of the music.

In physical geography, Cathy and I saw a video on Ocean City that was produced sometime between 1983 and 1986, and discussing its dissapearing beachfront and sanddunes. One segment of the film had a snippet of a news movie reel from the early 60's, with dramatic music and a fast, black & white film speed. It discussed the Nor'easter storm that devastated the city, flooding it and washing away structures. Cathy said she visited Ocean City all the time, but I declared to her that I had never been; furthermore, the only sandy tourist beach I've ever been to was Myrtle Beach, and that was only once when I was about 13 or 14. She first gave me a look like I was from outer space, then smiled and asked "Are you from Maryland?" surprised that a native of the state had never made the summer pilgrimage to the Eastern Shore. It was funny.

My Art History professor began to talk about the early 20th century art forms today, like Cubism and these other modernisms, which she loates. She also believes that there were few female artists at this time due to "a backlash against women in the public arena," as women's rights and acheivements became significant during this era. "[Women] were treated as lovers & muses and not equal partners." More notably, she said "intercourse" instead of "discourse" when she was describing a Picasso work. Wow, it was funny.

Later that day, I went to Jewish History, where we discussed branches of Judaism--Reform, Conservative, and Orthodox specifically. Our professor said she was Orthodox more or less, "a traditional Jew". We later got into a discussion about the mixed woman in our class, Leah, and her views on Catholicism and Judaism. She told us a story about one time when she was elementary school, her mother didn't want her to sing Christmas songs because the parents hadn't decided which faith to raise her into yet. "You're messed up," the professor said in a jovial tone. Funny stuff. You woulda had to have been there.

We also briefly discussed why some people will hide the fact that their Jewish; "closet Jews" if you will. "Antisemitism," said the professor. It still unfoutunately exists.

I spent the rest of the day just hanging out with my neighbor Corie. She went on and on about a 24-hour animae marathon she attended--she said most of the shows were worth staying awake for 30 hours straight, even when she began to hallucinate during one program, thinking that what she saw was all part of the show!

When Corie briefly stepped out to get something, Jackie walked by. I apologized again for what I did (even though I don't really know but Andypants gave me hints...HINT-this is a hint!), but she didn't accept it. "Don't talk to me." she said sternly with her arms crossed, as she walked down the hallway, wavy brown hair flowing about and orange sneakers swiftly striding away.

Corie came back, and we hung out some more at the library. She spent most of her time looking at animae stuff online, I occasionally looking when I wasn't submerged into I stayed for an hour, leaving at around 10. And who should I encounter in lobby on her way out? JeriCari! She was going to see the campus movie Road to Perdition, and invited me to come with. Oh, as much as I would have liked to, I had to work on my art history project, which I shoulda been doing while at the library--but if I was doing that, I never would have known that JeriCari was going to see the movie--so either way, I couldn't have gone--aggh, the sacrifices I make for my former major.

Don't sacrifice your time with me here--go see a movie with a pretty-looking acquaintance! Come back soon, friend!

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