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Morgan's Musings

Thursday, Nov. 8th , 2002 - 11:04 PM

Howdy, friends. It all started innocently enough, but today soon led to a sizing-up of Andypants & I. The pinnacle of my academic day was my Art History Class, where we viewed Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres's Large Odalisque, seen below in miniature:

Our professor begins to discuss how Ottoman culture (and its odalisques) were popular in the 19th century, and the sensual aura the piece radiates. "It's a real titilization factor going on here," she states about the subject's exotic surroundings and erotic pose. She continues, also discussing the work's flaws. "It's kinda not anatomically correct here," the professor says, pointing out the proportions of the person's pretty parts. "We have this lovely white hip, similar to the one I carry on around me...," Wow, it was funny! If you fall asleep in this class, you miss so much!

During my hour break between classes I was reading some "back issues" of Pezdispenser's publication page, and happened along a link to a test that she once took. About personality disorders, hers was "right on the nose"! I decided to humor myself and try it too. It asked all sorts of odd questions, like "Do people ever describe you as 'eccentric'?"(YES) and "Do you ever use grandiose words to describe daily life?"(YES). Here's how I did:


-- Click Here To Take The Test --

Just as I completed it, Andypants popped back in, "Whatareyoudoing???" spewing from his lips. I show him, and he says mine was right on the nose too, especially the schizotypal stuff. I think everyone's histrionic in their own way, sometimes I am "clingy" and dependant, but Narcissistic? This was a surprise. I'm not like that, am I? Could it be jealousy of my good looks, charm & success that cause people to occasionally say I'm "arrogant"?

Andypants went forth with the test as well, and came out with a moderate on Histrionic, and low on the remainding disorders. I went to my final class for the day, and when I came back, Andypants accosted another test from me--A life span test. "Do you cross the street when it say's 'Don't Walk'?"(SOMETIMES), "How many push-ups can you do without stopping?"(32, BUT I'M WORKING UP TO 36 SOON!) and such made up this exam. Apparently, the chances are that I will die April 18th, 2048.:( There is a 7% chance it will be affiliated with an alein abduction...I always thought it would be in November, maybe the 30th or the 31st... ;)

Astonishingly, my roomate's life expectancy is a full 10 years more than me! Also discovered were these delightful demographics:

Okay, friends, why don't you go find somebody to love (or lust responsibly!), and when you're done, bring your significant other back here (sometime before April 2048), and have some more fun reading more about me, me ME! It's all about me & my narcissistic self!!! Good night, friends, goodnight!

Next time--A Weekend Wrap-up, pics, & more!

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