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Morgan's Musings

Thursday, Oct. 10, 2002 - 8:21 PM

Today was such a rainy wet...People look different when they're wet. Sometimes their hair gets wet; it loses all volume and shape to it and it just lazily lies limp upon their heads. Othertimes, people pull the hoods on their sweatshirts up, so you can see merely their face, perhaps even a tuft of hair. Some just had umbrellas--that's all that had changed. Others (usually those without umbrellas) just determinedly dragged themselves thorugh the deluge, some with their arms crossed and a scowl on their face, others with arms wide open (that reminds me of a song...) and a big smile. I had a jacket, an umbrella and a big smile!

Today was the day that I received my grades for two class exams--Physical Geography (with an 80%, 5% increase with last exam) and Economics (a 2.5 out of 4.0, which with our professor is a "B" roughly). "Understudying" (where I review heavily on notes & less on the book) helped in Phys. Geo. and studying with Rose was prodigiously beneficial in Econ. I can't believe I didn't really study back in my grade school days...and if I did, it wasn't as much!!!

I later came back to the dorm, and ran into the darling Joanna--she and I had a comical chat about how she slipped on the slick sidewalks and skid on her beautiful bottom halfway to her class. She carried a large sketchpad, and I said that I would love to see it (the artwork! If you're reading this Karina, I KNOW what you were thinking!)in the near future.

Speaking about art, my art class has assigned yet another project to me! Let me tell you friends about my art history class. It is by far, my largest class, filling every row and nearly every seat of a lecture hall in the Fine Arts bldg. The professor is an older woman with a sophisticated streak of snow white in her curly raven hair, and shapely hips. Her husband must think so also, because she tells us of the legion of kids she has/had raised. With so many children, however, she has a soft, soothing, motherly voice, that under proper conditions (ie.: dimly lit lecture hall, cozy chairs & (to some) disinteresting art slides) will make even the most adamant patron of the arts begin to nod off to a surprisingly sweet slumber. Even today I almost cracked my head against the back of my chair, as my neck went limp and eyes rolled back. I did not sleep though. Just rested my neck. That's all.

Anyway, this latest project can be posted on a website. That's where Diaryland comes in! I'm already comfortable with it. I can post pics on it. We'll see where this leads soon enough.

Ok, I'll wrap things up now, as I am about to go to the campus movie to see "The Sum of all Fears". I asked Joanna if she wanted to come, but she is muy occupado con mucha tarea de su classe de espanol. Oh, well. Studying is important. Next time I will try to get her to seduce me (more on this interesting statement later...)!

Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you friend. Last time I was rambling on about a movie called The Transporter . There is one clip in the trailer, where a foolish guy is peering through a peephole, looking for trouble. It finds him. Transporter guy does a running leap towards the door, with his foot aimed right at the puny peephole. BOP!!! The door falls on the flunkie, and the flunkie falls to the floor. Ouch! But everytime I see it, heck, think about it, I start laughing! I hope I am not becoming desensitized to violence!

Ok. Gotta go. See you later!

Next time--The IM thing (I'll get to it first) & Work Flashbacks

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