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Morgan's Musings

1/8/08 - 9:35am

Well, four years have gone by since I was writing on a regular basis. So what occurred since then?

For one, Tanya and I dated for about a month and a half. With the absence of Corie from campus, I had a need for companionship to fulfill, especially since I had been awarded a single room. Our regular outings to the Dining Hall for a friendly chat and food fittingly blossomed into romance on Valentine's Day of 2005.

It went well at first, as we had been good friends since our first meet. She was smarter and more witty than ever (she always was, but moreso) and her conversations with me or a group were always a delight.

Tanya had also grown more attractive over time. Without going to deep into (possibly lascivious) detail, her teeth were free of braces, and she was more elegant than ever. And curvaceous. ;)

It was a pleasant seven weeks, with romantic walks through the snowy woods and mind-stimulating board games after dinner. Alas, it wasn't meant to be.

She quietly called it quits, briefly crushing me--but you know how resilient I am, friend! I was back to my plucky lovelorn self by summer, and attempted to grow a new relationship with a beautiful darling I had been acquainted with since middle school, and ran into again at this stage of my life (No, it was
not Julie Caparatto, although she and the mysterious creamy-brown-complexioned lady apparently did attend the same high school :) ). Mis-steps on both sides led to a lot of hurt feelings, and sneaking about late at night to bestow simple gifts upon her doorstep probably wasn't helpful. So, this was rather loudly called quits, and thus spurred countless hours of moping. So much for that. I will miss her smile, when she gave me the privilege to see it.

There were some romantic interludes here and there, but those aforementioned two were the most memorable and genuine. This period was necessary for me to discover who I truly cared about--and who truly cared for me: Corie.

The problem is, do we care about each other in the same way, or the same intensity? Relationships can be unclear, yet surprisingly loving and comfortable like this sometimes.

After living back at home as a commuter, I graduated from UMBC as well during the time I didn't write. Geography as a B.A., Art History as a minor. Ha! Take that, doubters and UMBC establishment! Now, how do I apply such valuable know-how?

The job search is in full swing to handle that. My retail job at current is an enjoyable source of pride, and a fulfillment of a childhood dream. But after three years of part-time punching in, come this summer, reality is setting in. I can't raise a family, much less raise a scrap of roof over my own head on my own, with what I am paid. Even with wage raises. I could probably be comfortable on a manager's salary, but that raises the issue of never having a free moment again. I could not bear to submit to a corporation first, God second, to my own desires a distant third.

It will be His will that determines what happens from here. A career? Grad school? Nothing? Or both, but in another five years? Don't ask me.

I'm just writing it all down.

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