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Morgan's Musings

Friday, Nov. 01, 2002 - 11:40 AM

Not much happened on Halloween, but I'll recap before I show the list. (Leave you in suspense!)

Cathy and I bantered some more as we looked at pictures of Volcanic Dikes . Art History was actually fun, as we watched a video about the mystic & artistic ceremonial dress and custons of Papa New Guinea . A ceremonial figure known as a Tubuan pranced around in a venerable display in one part, then while looking at slides, our professor remarked this on a Pacific culture work: "It's the most beautiful example of phallic symbols I've seen in a long time!"

Later I Xeroxed some of my Jewish History notes for two female classmates (one was the "Circumscision Lady"), and watched a Halloween movie that Andypants brought over, called The Howling

Okay, enough suspense, on with the list!!!

Dedicated to "Mary Jane"--the sophisticatingly sexy Stein who takes merriment in hearing the shortcomings & character flaws of her school chums.

^*^*^*^*^*^*^*Top Ten Times Andypants Says "F^ck*r$!"^*^*^*^*^*^*^

^10--When our neighbors beat him to the communal shower

^9--When he wakes up on the wrong side of his 4 ft. high bed and falls onto my desk!

^8--When he loses a video game

^7--When someone calls him "Andypants"!

^6--When he loses all his chips at the Big Kahuna Casino Nite at The Commons

^5--When "D--- Punk A-- B----es!" just won't do!

^4--When the folks at the library neglected to give him his paycheck

^3--When he's bustin' some caps into some O.G.'s* and gangbangers!

^2--When he sees a cheerful couple kissing in the park (and other places where public affection is common).

^1--When he mispronounces "Smuckers"

*O.G.--"Original Gangster"--An experienced thug who specializes in street crime.

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