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Morgan's Musings

Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002 - 11:48 PM

Today is actually Sunday, but I am describing my experiences yesterday for you today friends, and perhaps tomorrow I will discuss today...Did any of that make sense?

Anyhoo, Saturday. I woke up late, say 10:30, sleeping restlessly during the powerless night (it came back on in my building at 1:05 AM) and lacking an alarm clock set correctly. I then proceeded to change my dry-erase calender (I squeeze parts of 2 months on it (right now it's from Oct. 20th to Nov. 22nd I believe--I can't see it, since I'm in the library at the moment...), clean out the hideous sink with some good ole Comet, and IM NASANate. Using the computer was a risk, as we were still on unreliable generator power, via a giant green trailer behind Crapmaster's dorm.

It looked a lot like that big one on the right. Anyhoo, I didn't do all that much that afternoon, except read through my AOL email, which is virtually all junk mail, from "eliminate your debt now!" to "get in on the casino action!" to "wild, sexy women just for you!". The third, as much as I hate to admit, caught my interest a little more than the others...

After wasting time with deleating misleading ads, it was soon time to go. I was invited to go to a seminar held by members of the Lyndon LaRouche campaign. "Why not?" I said--they have been buzzing about the campus every now & then, distributing literature, so I thought it would be interesting to see what they're about; just to entertain the thought.

Around 7 PM, Jenny arrived. Jenny was the LaRouche staffer that would occasionally call my dorm phone and discuss pertinent party issues. Sometimes this phone solicitation is more than welcome, like Saturday night, as I sat lonely in a dark room. I finally got to see the person behind the phone--she was a little taller than me, with glasses, kinky ebony brown hair, and glasses. She had recently moved here from Northern Virginia; this was apparent as we rode in her company car--she went down a one way street briefly! I tried to give directions, since the party office is mere blocks down the street from campus. "It's the blind leading the blind!" she told me with a cute smile.

We soon arrived. The headquarters was an office within an industrial park building, similar to one in Crofton near the bowling alley. As we went in, Jenny gave me a quick tour. There was the meeting room, as soon as you came in, staffers setting up seats for the seminar. Down a hallway adorned with patriotic images & LaRouche ideals, there was a room where operators called people from around the region, a dozen folks chatting away on wireless headsets. In a nearby room, there was a girl slumped by a phone, tired from her hard day's work. This is where Jenny called me and other campus students. I guess once you're adroit enough there, you move up to "the big" operator room.

Further back was a literature room, filled with magazines, pamphlets and leaflets to be distributed everywhere. Jenny piled on the palms as many texts as she could find, especially those on the subject of tonight's seminar, DDT .

Back in the meeting room, I met many wonderful characters there of all ages, cultures. I met two people from a nearby college in Westminster, and even a massive siberian husky that looked like a wolf (but was as gentle as a lamb!)

The seminar soon began. A LaRouche member named Rebecca began her presentation with an excerpt from the book Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. Citing events like the death of birds and people even, she then rebuttled the "bull$h*t," as she called it with some evidence. For example, The National Audubon Society did a bird-count in 1941 before DDT sprayings for mosquitos and there was 8.5 robins seen for about 8,000 observers. In 1964, during DDT sprayings, there were 104 robins seen per the same # of observers. She also said that a health study was conducted where 34 men voluntarily ingested 34 mg of DDT for 2 yrs. and had no adverse side effects, even though this was 600 times the reccomended limit to ever ingest!

The strongest point Rebecca stated in her Australian accent was the fact that DDT had been banned for use globally by the UN, but the third-world countries that suffer from malaria, insect-borne illnesses the most, cannot afford to use costly alternatives like the industrialized countries that imposed the ban do. So 2 million or so die from malaria in those countries, she claimed, because of the ban.

Afterwards, there was a discussion on the topic (which occasionally rambled and swayed to other current events, sometimes logically flowing and bringing up thought-provoking points, other times it was just a rant). I brought up some interesting points on alternatives like DEET and was actively involved. Jenny was proud, and smiled everytime I asked a question. I smiled back at her, glancing at the tiny but ornate silver Star of David hanging near her bossom. Do I have a thing for Jewish women? I think it's for every woman...

...aforementioned thing is circumscized...
...but let's not talk about that...


Jenny then drove me back and I said "See you later!" of course. Andypants was entertaining friends Brandy and Steve as I entered. Steve left to play a computer game as Andypants taught Brandy how to swing dance, and salsa. It was entertaining--not once did he crush her chunky toes. "Chunky" is not's uh...feminine even! The duo then amazed me with some astounding card tricks--but I tricked Andypants at his own trick once! He had me pick a card from an "invisible deck". I put it back. He then asked me what the card was. "The Ten of Aces," I told him. He asked me if it was that card and that card alone, just as he had done earlier when I had said "four of clubs". I affirmed the card I saw in my mind's eye. Andypants began to thumb through the deck face-down when suddenly "THE 'TEN OF ACES'?!?" HAHAHAHAHAHA it was so funny!!!

Around midnight, he left with Brandy & Steve for a midnight movie at the "Mills". Being the nasty, naughty, naked-glancing boy I am, I looked at a couple more emails (I was trying to delete them...I don't think I tried hard enough...) before going to bed.

Next time--NASANate, work flashbacks, IMing, I'm sure I'll bring Aly up...

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